Blanca Luz Ocampo

“Recycling bottles and cardboard pays for my room and food, at least I live alone and have no responsibilities.
I am a recycler but right now the situation is very hard because there are many recyclers in the area where I work.
I get up very early to get there before them and at 4:00 am I start working.
When I can’t collect the money I need to pay for my room, I have to beg so I don’t sleep on the street.
In the last few days it has been very hard for me because I have an eye disease, I can’t see very well because of this eye and it makes it very difficult for me to go out to recycle. I don’t have an average profit, but one day I only braught 1,10USD back home”.
Blanca Luz Ocampo, Recycler, Medellín.